Отзыв на Трэвел 390. Несколько слов о недавнем нашем приобретении - Трэвел 390. Мы долго подбирали себе лодку на двоих. Главные требования - вместительность и максимально легкий ход. Наш Трэвел полностью оправдал наши ожидания и вместительный и скоростной на электромоторе и на веслах. Кроме того, отлично идет по волнам и по плавням. Наслаждаемся катамараном от Ботхаус! Спасибо, все отли...
Очень рад, что купил именно эту модель катамарана — Travel Max 660, потому что на море 65 баллон — то что надо. У меня было много разных лодок, но катамаран — это что-то особенное! На волне около метра идешь как на лодке в штиль! Один раз попались в хороший штормик — зарыбачились, но выбрались довольно легко. Хотя было страшно! Молодцы конструкторы, все сделали правильно. Накачиваю баллоны не...
Николай Громов
What is needed for water trips and comfortable rest on the water for two or three people? Definitely a catamaran. But how to choose the model that will completely satisfy   Read more
  • 22.05.2024
We have already considered in detail why catamarans are more expensive than ordinary boats. In short, the cost of a catamaran is much higher than the cost of a boat.   Read more
  • 06.05.2024
There is a lot of information about transom kayaks Sport on our website, but all the same, boaters have problems with nutrition, or there will be additional food options. We   Read more
  • 24.04.2024
Welcome to the online store of PVC inflatable boats No. 1 in Ukraine manufacturer site - BOATHOUSE company.

BOATHOUSE  Manufacturer of PVC inflatable boats, kayaks and catamarans

Our company is a designer and manufacturer in one person of inflatable boats, inflatable catamarans and kayaks original designs made of high quality German PVC fabric, water-resistant "marine" plywood, aluminum and the best components. Unique new, patented design of all models BOATHOUSE - inflatable kayaks, boats, catamarans, - Catamaran has a structure and a lot of innovative and practical solutions.

Talented designers, master of sports of kayaking and rowing, professional fishermen and travelers were attracted to the construction design. All the advantages and disadvantages of the flat-bottomed boats and keel, frame and inflatable canoes, kayaks and catamarans were considered. Using advanced technology and outstanding achievements in hydrodynamics, has created an entirely new form of catamaran boat building, which was taken as the basis for the creation of the entire range of Boathouse - from kayaks to large cruise catamaran.

At the heart of all models in Boathouse are solid inflatable balloons special hydrodynamic shape, creating minimal resistance when driving. As balloons for kayaks, divided by the pressurized compartment and have extra protection from below, as balloons for catamarans are reliable and safe. They have ledges and stabilizer of directional stability. A very important structural element is the bottom line, which is above the middle of the balloon. Thus,there is no contact with the water surface. Accordingly, there is no movement resistance and it allows you to walk along the mountain rivers and ponds overgrown places. Cross frames that are in the body, the heavy deck gives greater rigidity of the structure of PVC boats, allows a very quick assemble and disassemble the boat. In addition, all the company's kayaks, inflatable boats, catamarans have a waterproof luggage lockers, spoilers are made of PVC fabric, completely heavy deck, personal chairs with backs and many more.

As a result, this boat design allows quick and easy move around as with oars, as with very low power engines. For example, the largest catamaran Travel, longer than 8 meters, can go rowing at a speed of 7 kilometers per hour, but the configuration of an engine with a capacity of only 5-6 hp - More than 20 km per hour.

Boats for fishing, are also unique in its characteristics, like their counterparts, and on possible options and their quality leaves their competitors far behind!

Without exception BOATHOUSE models have better technical and operational characteristics of all inflatable boats, kayaks and catamarans. Here are 10 main advantages that any Boathouse model have: light weight, easy and quick assembly, absolute safety, increased passability, comfort, excellent stability, good directional stability, easy movement, economy, a huge choice of models and optional equipment

Choosing one of the Boathouse models, you expand the framework of possible, using only one boat: it is fishing and hunting, day trips, travel large distances, rafting on the rapids rivers and you can even spend the night on the water! No other boat does not provide you with so many opportunities and, of course, will not have so many consumer advantages.

Believe, it does not matter what product will attract your attention: frame kayaks, inflatable boats, catamarans or something of related products, such as chairs, tents, inflatable deckings - you will be satisfied after purchasing! Contact us and out managers will provide any advices, and answer all your questions.

Thanks to the new modern design, which helped to create new technologies and high-tech materials - kayaks, inflatable boats, catamarans, powered by BOATHOUSE - is reliable and safe "water SUVs", comfortable and economical. For this reason, the main motto of the company has been selected:

"Having a BOATHOUSE means living with a pleasure".