Travel Photo Reports

Travel photo reports on the expanses of water from us and our clients

   My wife and I fell in love with canoe trips, went for many years in groups on frame kayaks, and in 2018 we decided to purchase our own for independent trips. The choice fell on the manufacturer Boat House, took two separate Stream: I - lorry, my wife - the smallest odnirku with awning. We walk, basically, in five-day trips, the kayaks are very comfortable and roomy, everything fits, and there is still a place to stretch my legs))).
   Our clients travel - and OUT For our trips, we see only one advantage, compared to the frame, this is safety, it is almost impossible to roll over, spaciousness, maneuverability, you can go fishing, and upstream, and higher bottom - in cold water, we do not feel cold. , stones and branches do not cling, the kayak assembly takes about 10 minutes. It can only be inferior in speed with a frame one, but we are not always rowing with oars, sometimes the flow speed is enough, for 4-5 days we pass 100-130 km along the river in a quiet mode. The awning turned out to be a very convenient thing, both from the sun and from the rain. In general, 100% satisfied, we recommend!
Sincerely, satisfied owners of kayaks Alexei and Victoria.  Читать далее
  • 15.07.2019
  • Views: 2159